Background 调查: Why Online Searches Are Not Enough


For some people, it’s a mantra: “You can Google pretty much anything you want to know.不是这样的. 特别是在 背景调查.


For some people, it’s a mantra: “You can Google pretty much anything you want to know.不是这样的. 特别是在 背景调查. 彩宝网平台经常会见对彩宝网平台对关键人员的战略背景调查感兴趣的公司, business partners and trusted insiders. 这些潜在客户中的许多人都希望更好地了解一流的流程,而这只能通过由经验丰富的调查员领导的背景调查来实现. 这些类型的调查比精通技术的在线侦探或由隐藏搜索算法指导的自动调查软件要有效得多.


First, let’s talk about what leads companies to seek background investigative support. 对很多客户来说, these 调查 allow them to assess the credibility, 完整性, 和专业历史的一个主题或收集商业情报的公司或潜在的商业伙伴. 另一些则寻求在诉讼中对对手有更深入的了解,或对交易对象的偿付能力和财富有切实的了解. 一些人在寻找一个人过去的行为史和暴力倾向的信息.


彩宝网平台要撒多宽的网? That depends partly on baseline factors, such as the client’s goals as well as the budget and the deadline (e.g.(三天,两周). It also depends on how common the subject’s name is (e.g., John Smith), where they have resided over the duration of the look-back (e.g., 7 years, 10 years) and online court records in those areas. 彩宝网平台还需要考虑项目中期的发现是否表明需要实际获取特定的文件和记录以进行深入分析

Findings Can be Routine or Explosive

没有发现有害信息是这类调查最常见的结果,也是一个积极的结果,因为它们从风险管理的角度提供了保证. 在彩宝网平台工作的过程中, we have also uncovered some dramatically damning information, or findings of exceptional importance to clients.

无论哪种方式, 彩宝网平台的客户通过风险保证以及在早期退出关系的能力获得回报,并避免对声誉和业务运营造成代价高昂的后果. 以下是一些现实世界的例子,说明投资背景调查可以带来显著的回报价值:

  • 案例1:访问法院档案打开了掩盖了潜在商业伙伴广泛信息的数字幕, 几十年的犯罪历史.
  • Case #2: Our findings led to surveillance, 这证实了一群员工违反员工协议和义务与竞争对手的代表会面.
  • Unsealed divorce records revealed multiple, serious domestic violence incidents stretching back over many years.



  • Current and previous addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses
  • 亲戚
  • 教育, professional history and licenses
  • 公司联系
  • Criminal records, civil litigation, bankruptcies, liens and judgments
  • 物业及车辆纪录
  • Press coverage, social media posts and other online activity

We’ve uncovered obscure information in many places, such as bridal or baby registries, 结婚证, 选民登记记录, 还有性犯罪者登记. 彩宝网平台还在没有在线记录的农村地区的小镇法院找到了信息(这是一个地理挑战,需要法庭运行人员),甚至是讣告, for both deceased persons and survivors.


许多组织的一个常见误解是,在线搜索可能“足够好”.” Depending on the client’s goals, that may be true. 但彩宝网平台的许多新客户找到彩宝网平台,是因为互联网搜索未能发现关键问题, risks and concerns that later emerged under compromising circumstances.

  • 彩宝网平台作为起点使用的许多所谓的“综合”报告不包括联邦案件,也不包括美国所有县.
  • 很多你.S. jurisdictions – especially small, rural ones – don’t have data online. When they do, the data might only cover a limited time frame.
  • Some jurisdictions allow civil searches but not criminal searches. 此外, while most state websites attest that their online criminal database is “statewide,” several states making this claim do so erroneously.
  • The term “national criminal search” is a concept not a reality. Some law enforcement databases are the exception, but access is limited. 一些联邦、州或地方网站要求用户是有执照的私家侦探或律师.

另外, 在线搜索可能充斥着技术细节,这些细节可能会模糊可用信息或导致误导性的发现. Search strings and protocols vary by database. Administrative actions – such as punctuation, 礼, 特殊字符的使用, 拼写错误, 拼写错误或精确拼写的要求会破坏在线调查并导致错误, 不准确的, or incomplete results and conclusions.

Integrating Physical and Online Search Techniques is a Best Practice

多年来, 彩宝网平台的团队编写了许多小插曲和警示性见解,这些信息可以被粗略地归类为关键信息,彩宝网平台可能会通过简单的谷歌或快速数据库搜索而错过这些信息. 这些“战争故事”包括, 例如, nuanced insights into current and family dynamics, non-documented causes of life-threatening injuries, ownership of unregistered firearms, and details on a subject’s daily activity. 集体, 彩宝网平台利用这些小块的信息来产生事实发现,以及对客户风险的估计和预测.

延森休斯可以帮助您发现关键的情报和洞察力,以支持合并, 收购, 合作伙伴关系, 执行招聘, 董事会任命, reputational profiling and market entry. Learn more about our background and due diligence 调查服务.

黛布拉K的大头照. 科比


黛布拉K. 科比
Debra brings command experience in patrol operations, 调查, 有组织犯罪, 执法培训, 政策发展, data-led policing and internal affairs with an acute focus on 完整性 systems, 秘密行动和需要强有力的问责做法,以支持优先行动.


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根据1964年民权法案第六章,彩宝网确保在所有项目和活动中不歧视. 如果您需要更多的信息或为残疾人或英语水平有限的人提供特殊帮助, contact the Jensen Hughes Compliance Team at 410-737-8677 or 

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